How To Use This Tool

This tool links into the custom database made for FO4CCST. Type in a word, phrase, or letter, and what is in the database will be displayed. 
You then may copy/paste the information to your console in-game, or type it in your console in-game. 
Of course, you need to open the command console with the (~) in-game that is found in the upper left hand of your keyboard. To copy highlight that which you want, hit the ctrl c key, to paste ctrl v. 
Of course, it is always up to you to use mods, console commands, or anything that alters a video game.
The main thing here is, to have fun! Go back to tool Here

PS be mindful third party mod sites do not allow to open links from here (nexusmods for instance), I much rather put the link of a mod’s website into this search engine, if they have one. Many mods do not have their own website.


